Spend less time searching for what you need and invest more time in the real work. An unorganized desk or drawer can waste your ample amount of time simply searching for little things. QUICK UNBOX presents you with a simple storage solution, bringing both function and style to your desk. This desk organizer will help you to keep your office supplies, toiletries, art supplies, cosmetic products, kitchen cutlery, etc in an organized manner. It is divided into multi compartments and lets you arrange your pens, pencils, ruler, stapler, notes, scissors, etc.
Office Stationery, Pen Stands
5 Compartment Desk Organiser Pen Stand Pencil Holder Stationary Storage Organizer for Home, Office, Students, and Study Table
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₹649.00 ₹999.00
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CompareItem model number | EX348 |
Product Dimensions | 22 x 14.2 x 12.5 cm; 539.77 Grams |
Item Weight | 540 g |
Item Dimensions LxWxH | 22 x 14.2 x 12.5 Centimeters |