Product description
This 3D Puzzle is developed purposefully to target the youngsters and provide them with an extremely fun, delightful time with a theme that is relatively unique to spot.
The Puzzle is manufactured with detail to overall impression so as to engage the young ones with not only an unconventional outlook, but with a stunning piece of Puzzle artwork.
Along with the trial and error session of this game in order to reach the next level of playing with it, the Puzzle enables a quality family time together between the parents and the child, who put their imaginations to productive work and come up with various stories that reflect how far the mind has expanded.
Moreover, the toy additionally invokes the speaking function of the children, urging them to form correct pieces with correct pronunciation, all contributing to the fine, educational approach of the 3D- puzzle.
Strength, vigour and reliance of the toy materials have never been challenged, and are consistently unquestionable. The pieces lock solidly together once joined correctly.
This 3D Puzzle is Easy to Assemble, No Scissors Required, No Gluing, 50-60 min to Construct
Made of paper and EPS foam board. Medium sizes with medium complexity